In theory mezcal can be made from any of the almost 300 species in the agave genus. There are no limits on the type of agave that is used for making mezcal. Unlike tequila, which is restricted to being made from one particular species of agave (Agave tequiliana).
Mezcal is produced from about 70 species of agave out of the 166 species found in Mexico. Agave angustifolia (Espadín) makes up about 80% of all certified mezcal produced. There are 12 identified species of agave which make up almost all mezcal production.
There are over 200 common names used for magueys used to make Mezcal in Mexico. This does not mean that there that many types of agave as many variations are based on location or indigenous language. Mezcal bottles often list the “maguey” type as well as the species of agave. While maguey translates to agave, it’s better to think of maguey being the common or local name for the plant type.
The maguey name doesn’t often line up to the species name. The same species of agave can grow in very different forms, so it makes sense to use different names. However sometimes different names are used for the exact same species and form of agave. It can be confusing.
How Many Species of Agave Are There?
There are around 300 different agreed upon species of agave as well as further sub-species and variants. Plants of the World Online has 287 accepted species as of October 2023, while the WFO Plant List has 273 accepted species. There are many more species which are yet to be identified, but that are used for making mezcal. As more evidence is gathered the numbers of agreed upon species of agave are likely to increase.
There are 166 species of agave in Mexico. Not all species are suitable for making mezcal due to lower sugar content or lower availability in mezcal producing areas.

Can Mezcal be made From Any Type of Agave?
Certified mezcal can be made from any type of agave with one exception. Certified mezcal cannot be made from Agave tequiliana in a region which is certified to produce tequila. In practice, around 66 identified species are used as well as a number of other species that have not been scientifically classified.
Certified mezcal is protected by a denomination of origin and must be made in one of 10 states. However, many other regions outside the “official” mezcal areas also have long traditions making what they call mezcal.
What Types of Agave Are Used for Making Mezcal?
There are at least 66 species of agave which have been scientifically identified that are used for making mezcal, plus further subvariants and subspecies. There are also types of agave used for mezcal that have not been classified. In these cases they are noted as being Agave Sp., meaning an Agave species.

Most Popular Agave Types for Making Mezcal
The most popular type of agave for making mezcal is Espadín (Agave angustifolia) which made up 81.1% of all certified mezcal produced in 2022 according to COMERCAM. The next most popular types of agave are A. karwinskii (including Barril, Cirial and Cuishe) and A. potatorum (commonly known as Tobala).

Why Mezcal Names Can Be Confusing
Mezcal producers tend to use traditional or local names when talking about and labeling their mezcal. Mezcal naming can be confusing for a few reasons:
- The same species of agave can be known by different names in different regions or even neighboring towns
- For example, if you have a Cuishe from just about anywhere in Oaxaca you are drinking A. karwinskii, but if it comes from Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca Cuishe refers to A. rhodacantha (usually known as Mexicano)
- Mezcal producers use the same name for different species of agave
- For example, “cenizo” can be from agave species A. americana, A. angustifolia, A. aspérrima or A. durangensis
- The same species of agave can look and taste very different depending on the growing conditions. These different forms can have different names
- Different species of agave can look very similar and there’s no easy way distinguish them without genetic testing
- Mezcal producers sometimes call an agave by the scientific name for a different species
- For example lechuguilla (meaning lettuce) is the name of an agave species but is also used as common names for other species such as A. inaequidens, A. maximiliana, A. polianthiflora and A. shrevei
List of Most Popular Agave Species and Their Common Names for Mezcal
To try and reduce the confusion, I’ve put together this table based on the 12 most popular agave species and the most popular names or types of mezcal for those species. The list is ordered by most common agave used for making mezcal. The common names for each species are listed in order of popularity, with most popular at the top.
Species Name (A.) | Most Common Names | |
1 | Angustifolia | Espadín |
2 | Karwinskii | Madrecuishe / Madrecuixe Cuishe / Cuish / Cuixe Tobaziche / Tobasiche Bicuishe / Bicuixe Barril |
3 | Potatorum | Tobala Papalome / Papalote / Papalometl (in Oaxaca) |
4 | Marmorata | Tepeztate / Tepextate |
5 | Americana | Arroqueño Coyote Sierra Negra Cerrudo / Sierrudo |
6 | Cupreata | Chino Papalome / Papalote / Papalometl |
7 | Rhodacantha | Mexicano |
8 | Convallis | Jabali |
9 | Durangensis | Cenizo |
10 | Salmiana | Verde |
11 | Inaequidens | Alto Bruto |
12 | Tequilana | Azul |
Comprehensive List of Agave Species for Mezcal and What They Are Known As
These two lists of agave are ordered by alphabetically. The first list is by agave species used for making mezcal, along with the common name. The second list is by common name / maguey with the species for each. On certified bottles of mezcal the common name can be used, but the scientific name of the species must be used. The signifier “Agave Sp.” is used when the agave species has yet to be officially classified. This list has been prepared from a range of sources, including research by C. Alducin-Martínez et al published 2022.
List of Agave Species Used for Making Mezcal and Their Common Names
There are at least 66 species of agave used for making mezcal in Mexico. Here is a list of all species together with their common names.
Scientific Name | Maguey / Known as | Found in |
A. americana | Americano Arroqueño Blanco Castilla Cenizo Cerrudo De Horno Coyote I'Gok Manso de Sahuaro Maguey Mexicano De Pulque Sahuayensis Serrano Sierra Negra Sierrudo | Chiapas Durango Guanajuato Hidalgo Michoacán Nuevo León Oaxaca Puebla San Luis Potosí Tamaulipas |
A. angustiarum | Lechuguilla suave Maguey de ixtle Cacaya | Guerrero Michoacán Morelos Oaxaca Puebla |
A. angustifolia | Alineno (in Jalisco) Bacanora Brocha Cenizo Chacaleño Chato Chico Aguillar Cimarrón Doba-yej Espadilla Espadín Pacifica Sacatoro Tepemete Yaquiana Yavi Incoyo | Campeche Chihuahua Durango Guerrero Jalisco Michoacán Nayarit Oaxaca Puebla Quintana Roo Sonora Yucatan Zacatecas |
A. asperrima | Cenizo Lamparillo Maguey de Cerro | Chihuahua Durango Nuevo León San Luis Potosí Queretaro Tamaulipas |
A. atrovirens | Blanco Pulquero | Puebla Oaxaca Veracruz |
A. bovicornuta | Cenizo Lechguilla Verde | Chihuahua Durango Jalisco Sonora Zacatecas |
A. cantala | Cincoañero (Oaxaca) Maguey del Cinco (Oaxaca) Henequén | Oaxaca Jalisco |
A. cerulata | Mescal | Baja California Sonora |
A. colorata | Ceniza (Sonora) Haamjö Caacöl | Sinaloa Sonora |
A. convallis | Cuche Jabali Javalin Lobo Marrano Morono Kerchovei | Oaxaca |
A. cupreata | Ancho Cimarrón Chino Cupreata Papalome Papalometl Papalote Tuchi | Guerrero Michoacán Oaxaca Puebla |
A. deserti | Maguey del desierto | Baja California Sonora |
A. desmettiana | Maguey de pita | Sinaloa |
A. durangensis | Castilla Cenizo Chacaleño I'Gok | Durango Guanajuato Jalisco Michoacán Puebla Oaxaca Zacatecas |
A. fourcroydes | Henequén Sacqui | Quintana Roo Yucatan |
A. funkiana | Funkiana | Northeast and Southeast Mexico |
A. gentryi | Verde | Choahuila Nuevo León San Luis Potosí Tamaulipas Zacatecas |
A. gigantensis | - | Baja California sur |
A. guadalajarana | Mascarreño | Jalisco |
A. havardiana | Maguey norteño | Chihuahua, Coahuila |
A. hookeri | Maguey Ixquitécatl | Michoacán |
A. horrida | Maguey buen | Morelos |
A. Inaequidens | Alto Bruto Lechuguilla Hocimetl | Durango Estado de México Jalisco Michoacán |
A. jaiboli | - | Sonora Chihuahua |
A. karwinskii | Barril Barril amarilo Barril chino Barril verde Bicuixe / Bicuish Candelillo Cachetún Cirial Cuish / Cuishe / Cuixe Largo Madrecuixe / Madrecuishe Marteño Sanmartin Tobasiche / Tobaziche | Oaxaca Puebla |
A. kerchovei | Cacalla Jabali Pichomel Rabo de León | Hidalgo Oaxaca Puebla |
A. lechuguilla | Churique Lechugilla Univittata | Chihuahua |
A. lophantha | Maguey estoquillo | Chihuahua Veracruz |
A. lurida | Maguey de la Luna | Oaxaca |
A. lyoba | Coyota Coyote | Oaxaca |
A. macroacantha | Barril Verde (Oaxaca) Cincoañero (Oaxaca) Cachrolochje’ Espadilla Estafalalate | Oaxaca Puebla |
A. macrocantha | Papalote | Oaxaca Puebla |
A. mapisaga* | Maguey manso Maguey pulquero | Chihuahua Hidalgo Puebla Tlaxcala |
A. margaritae | - | Baja California sur |
A. marmorata | Becuela Curandero Huiscole Maguey de caballo Pichomel / Pitzometl (Puebla) Pizorra (Puebla) Tepextate / Tepeztate (Oaxaca) | Guerrero Michoacán Puebla Oaxaca |
A. maximiliana | Lechuguilla Masparillo Tecolote Valenciana | Durango Guanajato Jalisco Nayarit |
A. megalodonta | Maguey espumoso | Oaxaca Puebla Guerro |
A. montana | Montana | Nuevo León Tamaulipas |
A. montium-sancticaroli | Jarcia | Tamaulipas |
A. multifilifera | Chahuí | Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Sinaloa |
A. murpheyi | Agave hohokam | Sonora |
A. nussavorium | Ticuchi | Oaxaca |
A. oteroi | - | Oaxaca Puebla |
A. palmeri | Lechuguilla (Sonora) | Sonora |
A. parryi | Maguey mezcal | Chihuahua Durango |
A. peacockii | Amol Lechigullia Maguey de Ixtle Maguey fibroso | Hidalgo, Puebla, Oaxaca |
A. pelona | Bacanora Mezcal pelon | Sonora |
A. pintilla | - | Durango |
A. polianthiflora | Lechuguilla | Chihuahua |
A. potatorum | Bilia Cenizo (in Puebla) Chato Cupreata Dob-la Papalote Papalometl Tobala Maguey mariposa Yauiticushi | Guerrero Michoacán Oaxaca Puebla |
A. rhodacantha | Chontal Cuishe Barril Dobadan Espadilla Ixtero Amarillo Mexicano Mexicano Verde Mexicanito Verde Quixe | Durango Guanajuato Guerrero Jalisco Michoacán Nayarit Oaxaca Puebla Sinaloa |
A. salmiana | Bronco Chino Cimarrón Liso Manso Pulquero Verde | Coahuila Durango Jalisco San Luis Potosí Zacatecas |
A. seemanniana | Bilia Tobala Chato | Oaxaca Chiapas |
A. shawii | Amal | Baja California |
A. shrevei | Ceniza Churique Lechuguilla | Chihuahua Sonora |
A. sisalana | Henequén Henequén verde Maguey tuxtleco Sisal | Chiapas Yucatán |
A. sobria | Lechuguilla Mezcal pardo | Baja California Sur |
A. tequilana | Azul Agave Blue Weber Chato | Guanajuato Jalisco Michoacán Nayarit Oaxaca Puebla Tamaulipas Zacatecas |
A. titanota | Cachitún | Oaxaca |
A. univittata | Amole Estoquillo | Tamaulipas |
A. valenciana | Relisero (Jalisco) | Jalisco |
A. victoriae-reginae | Noa | Chihuahua Coahuila Durango San Luis Potosí Tamaulipas |
A. vilmoriniana | Funkiana | Northeast, Nortwest and Southwest Mexico |
A. weberi | Maguey mezcalero Maguey verde | Chihuahua Coahuila Durango San Luis Potosí Tamaulipas |
A. wocomahi | Maguey verde Ojcome | Sonora, Durango, Chihuahua, Jalisco |
A. zebra | Áamxw Káokt’ | Sonora |
List of Common Names for Agave Used to Make Mezcal and their Species
There are hundreds of different names used for maguey. Common names for maguey can be based on different species, different physical forms of the same species or region specific names for the same species. Here is a list of common names, or maguey names used for making mezcal, together with the species that the name might be referring too.
Common Name / Maguey | Agave Species |
Áamxw | A. zebra |
Agave Blue Weber | A. tequilana |
Agave hohokam | A. murpheyi |
Alineno (in Jalisco) | A. angustifolia |
Alto | A. Inaequidens |
Amal | A. shawii |
Amarillo | A. rhodacantha |
Americano | A. americana |
Amol | A. peacockii |
Amole | A. univittata |
Ancho | A. cupreata |
Arroqueño | A. americana |
Azul | A. tequilana |
Azul Telcruz | A. angustifolia |
Bacanora | A. angustifolia A. pelona |
Barril | A. karwinskii A. rhodacantha |
Barril amarilo | A. karwinskii |
Barril chino | A. karwinskii |
Barril verde | A. karwinskii |
Barril Verde (Oaxaca) | A. macroacantha |
Becuela | A. marmorata |
Bicuixe / Bicuish / Bicuishe | A. karwinskii |
Bilia | A. potatorum A. seemanniana |
Blanco | A. americana A. atrovirens |
Brocha | A. angustifolia |
Bronco | A. salmiana |
Bruto | A. Inaequidens |
Caacöl | A. colorata |
Cacalla | A. kerchovei |
Cacaya | A. angustiarum |
Cachetún | A. karwinskii |
Cachitún | A. titanota |
Cachrolochje’ | A. macroacantha |
Candelillo | A. karwinskii |
Castilla | A. americana A. durangensis |
Ceniza | A. shrevei A. colorata (Sonora) |
Cenizo | A. americana A. angustifolia A. asperrima A. atrovirens A. bovicornuta A. durangensis A. potatorum (in Puebla) A. salmiana |
Cerrudo | A. americana |
Chacaleño | A. angustifolia A. durangensis |
Chahuí | A. multifilifera |
Chancuellar | A. angustifolia |
Chato | A. angustifolia A. potatorum A. seemanniana A. tequilana |
Chico Aguillar | A. angustifolia |
Chino | A. cupreata A. salmiana |
Chontal | A. rhodacantha |
Chuparrosa | Sp. |
Churique | A. lechuguilla A. shrevei |
Cimarrón | A. angustifolia A. cupreata A. salmiana |
Cincoañero (Oaxaca) | A. cantala A. macroacantha |
Ciriaco | A. angustifolia |
Cirial | A. karwinskii |
Coyota | A. lyoba |
Coyote | A. americana A. lyoba |
Criollo | A. angustifolia |
Cucharillo | A. angustifolia Often Sotol from Dasylirion sp. |
Cuche | A. convallis |
Cuerno | A. salmiana |
Cuish / Cuishe / Cuixe | A. karwinskii A. rhodacantha (in Santa Catarina Minas) |
Cuishito | Sp. |
Cupreata | A. cupreata A. potatorum |
Curandero | A. marmorata |
De Horno | A. americana |
De Pulque | A. americana |
Dob-la | A. potatorum |
Doba-yej | A. angustifolia |
Dobadan | A. rhodacantha |
Espadilla | A. angustifolia A. macroacantha A. rhodacantha |
Espadillon | Sp. |
Espadín | A. angustifolia |
Espadíncillo | A. angustifolia |
Estafalalate | A. macroacantha |
Estoquillo | A. univittata |
Funkiana | A. funkiana A. vilmoriniana |
Haamjö | A. colorata |
Henequén | A. cantala A. fourcroydes A. sisalana |
Henequén verde | A. sisalana |
Hocimetl | A. Inaequidens |
Huiscole | A. marmorata |
I'Gok | A. americana A. durangensis |
Ixtero Amarillo | A. rhodacantha |
Jabali | A. convallis A. kerchovei |
Jarcia | A. montium-sancticaroli |
Javalin | A. convallis |
Káokt’ | A. zebra |
Kerchovei | A. convallis |
Lamparillo | A. asperrima |
Largo | A. karwinskii |
Lechguilla Verde | A. bovicornuta |
Lechuguilla | A. Inaequidens A. lechuguilla A. maximiliana A. palmeri A. peacockii A. polianthiflora A. shrevei A. sobria |
Lechuguilla suave | A. angustiarum |
Lineño | A. angustifolia |
Liso | A. salmiana |
Lobo | A. convallis |
Lumbre | A. angustifolia A. karwinskii A Sp. |
Macho | A. americana |
Madrecuixe / Madrecuishe | A. karwinskii |
Maguey | A. americana |
Maguey buen | A. horrida |
Maguey de caballo | A. marmorata |
Maguey de Cerro | A. asperrima |
Maguey de ixtle | A. angustiarum A. peacockii |
Maguey de la Luna | A. lurida |
Maguey de pita | A. desmettiana |
Maguey del Cinco (Oaxaca) | A. cantala |
Maguey del desierto | A. deserti |
Maguey espumoso | A. megalodonta |
Maguey estoquillo | A. lophantha |
Maguey fibroso | A. peacockii |
Maguey Ixquitécatl | A. hookeri |
Maguey manso | A. mapisaga |
Maguey mezcal | A. parryi |
Maguey mezcalero | A. weberi |
Maguey norteño | A. havardiana |
Maguey pulquero | A. mapisaga |
Maguey tuxtleco | A. sisalana |
Maguey verde | A. weberi |
Maguey verde | A. wocomahi |
Mai | Sp. |
Manso | A. salmiana |
Manso de Sahuaro | A. americana |
Marrano | A. convallis |
Marteño | A. karwinskii |
Mascarreño | A. guadalajarana |
Masparillo | A. maximiliana |
Mescal | A. cerulata |
Mexicanito | A. rhodacantha |
Mexicano | A. americana A. mapisaga (Hidalgo, Oaxaca) A. rhodacantha (Jalisco, Michoacán) |
Mexicano Verde | A. rhodacantha |
Mezcal pardo | A. sobria |
Mezcal pelon | A. pelona |
Montana | A. montana |
Morono | A. convallis |
Noa | A. victoriae-reginae |
Ojcome | A. wocomahi |
Pacifica | A. angustifolia |
Papalome | A. cupreata |
Papalometl | A. cupreata A. potatorum |
Papalote | A. cupreata (Guerrero) A. macroacantha A. potatorum (Puebla) |
Pelón Verde | Sp. |
Penca Ancha | A. cupreata |
Pichomel / Pitzometl (Puebla) | A. kerchovei A. marmorata (Puebla) |
Pizorra | A. mamorata |
Pizorra (Puebla) | A. marmorata |
Presa Grande | A. angustifolia |
Pulquero | A. americana (Oaxaca) A. atrovirens (Oaxaca) A. salmiana |
Quixe | A. rhodacantha |
Rabo de León | A. kerchovei |
Rayo | A. americana |
Relisero (Jalisco) | A. valenciana |
Sacatoro | A. angustifolia |
Sacqui | A. fourcroydes |
Sahuayensis | A. americana |
Sanmartin | A. karwinskii |
Serrano | A. americana |
Sierra Negra | A. americana |
Sierrudo | A. americana |
Sisal | A. sisalana |
Tecolote | A. maximiliana |
Tepemete | A. angustifolia |
Tepextate / Tepeztate (Oaxaca) | A. marmorata |
Ticuchi | A. nussavorium |
Tobala | A. potatorum A. seemanniana |
Tobasiche / Tobaziche | A. karwinskii |
Tobaxiche Amarillo | A. karwinskii |
Tripon | A. karwinskii |
Tuchi | A. cupreata |
Univittata | A. lechuguilla |
Valenciana | A. maximiliana |
Verde | A. americana A. gentryi A. karwinskii A. rhodacantha A. salmiana A. weberi |
Warash | Sp. |
Yaquiana | A. angustifolia |
Yauiticushi | A. potatorum |
Yavi Incoyo | A. angustifolia |